Meet Patti
Your sister in Christ
God changed me.
As I learned to let Scripture guide my thoughts in prayer, God changed me.
I love to speak into younger womens’ lives. “Patti, could you mentor me?” That began a beautiful journey in 1991 of letting God teach me through His Holy Spirit how to mentor young women. Although, I had never had a formal mentoring relationship, I learned and continue to learn from each special relationship. I enjoy speaking God’s truths into other’s lives. And I am grateful to learn from these younger women.
I have a desire to communicate to others what God taught me. Writing these books gave me an opportunity to reach individuals I could never meet with personally. It is exciting to know our books can be a guide to speak into lives and teach them about letting Scripture guide their thoughts in prayer.
From the time I became a follower of Christ at age 14, I prayed. But when I was in my forties, I was introduced to letting Scripture guide my thoughts as I interceded for my husband. As a mother of two boys, I was challenged to let my self-centered ideas of what I wanted for my sons slowly change as I let Scripture guide me to God-centered intercession. When our six grandchildren came along, again my thoughts turned to God’s Word as I prayed for the challenges they faced. Now with great-grandchildren, I am learning even more.
Henry and I have been married since 1962. We have two married sons (both in ministry), six grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. I traveled to Africa four times to teach Kenyan pastors’ wives. Henry and I traveled to China twice to teach lay men and women.
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