Read My Books
Encouragement for your prayer life.
When Sarah Maddox asked me to join her in writing our first book, A Mother’s Garden of Prayer, I knew nothing about writing a book. I had taught conferences guiding others to pray Scripture, but writing a book was a new challenge. God guided us as we wrote that book and later A Woman’s Garden of Prayer together. Since our books were out of print, Sarah and I agreed to redesign and republish our content. Thus, Mother’s Prayers and Woman’s Prayer were redesigned and relaunched in 2023. When we learned our new editions would also be in Spanish, Oraciones de mama' and Devocional para la mujer que ora, it made the decision to republish our content even more exciting because we would be reaching even more people.
Many Christian women are prayer warriors—great intercessors.
Sometimes, however, they do not take the time to pray adequately for themselves. We have put together this devotional book as a special guide in praying for yourself as a Christian woman.
Elizabeth Elliot once said: “We are called to be women. The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God’s idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be.”
God wants us to be a different kind of woman—not a carbon copy of the world’s idea of the beautiful woman but a unique expression of the beauty that comes from being filled with the Holy Spirit.
How can you and I be the kind of women God desires for us to be? How can we keep from conforming to the world’s mold? Only as we spend much time alone in God’s presence—as we come aside each day, setting our hearts on things above, seeking God’s face and His will.
We know that when we let Scripture guide us as we pray, we will see more clearly what God wants to accomplish for His glory. Then our prayers are both listening and talking to God.
We have designed this book to guide you in praying for your children in your private prayer times as well as in groups of mothers. Whenever we use “children” and “mothers,” you can insert the words “grandchildren” and “grandmothers,” if appropriate. Of course, fathers and grandfathers can also use this book.
Every chapter contains Scriptures and sample prayers to use in interceding for your children as they face life’s challenges. Some of the areas we address include:
• Prayers for My Unborn Child
• Prayers for my Child’s Character Development
• Prayers for My Child’s Salvation
• Prayers for My Child’s Spiritual Growth
• Prayers for My Child’s Protection
• And others